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Spider Removal

Is there anything that compares to the heart-stopping, gut-wrenching sensation of being stung by a spider? Even though most spiders are harmless and like to stay to themselves, their presence can nonetheless be jarring!

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We’ll take care of spider removal immediately because you probably don’t want to share your home with a swarm of eight-legged visitors.

Questions? Call us today!

07 5445 8615

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The Following Treatment Packages Are Used To Get Rid Of Spiders:

Our spider pest treatment technique starts with a comprehensive assessment of your house for signs of common pests — and spiders are always on the list from the Sunshine Coast and Hinterland. We start with the outer perimeter of your home and work our way inside to the skirting boards along the inside perimeter. We always use professional-grade chemicals to ensure that we are using the correct strength to effectively control spiders.

Any signs of webbing will be looked for by the professional who does your spider removal as part of a pest control treatment package! We do a fine dust treatment around water sources and other hard-to-reach spots, such as behind cabinets, drains, hinges, and in laundry areas, as part of all of our programs.

Why Is Spider Control Important?

Spiders terrify a lot of people! The prospect of sharing a home with spiders might keep some people awake at night, give them nightmares, or simply remove the sense of security that they should have in their house. Here are some additional reasons why spider control is critical:

  • Female spiders use webs to catch their prey, but these webs are unattractive and will frighten you, your family, and visitors. Spiders spin webs at a breakneck speed! It’s possible that a new one will appear overnight!
  • The majority of spiders inject poison into their prey to paralyze it so they may readily swallow it.
  • The jaws and fangs of some spiders are large enough to puncture human skin. These bites can be extremely unpleasant and even toxic at times.
  • Spider bites can get infected, necrotize surrounding tissue, and even put human lives in danger.
  • Spider bites can potentially spread deadly pathogens from one person to another.

Get in touch to avoid a few spiders from turning into a major spider infestation! It’s crucial to us that you feel secure in your own house.

Additional “Fun” Spider Facts

  • Spiders are nocturnal creatures. During the night, they hunt, spin webs, and feed. Most spiders hide throughout the day, so you may be unaware that you have spiders in your home.
  • They are cannibals as well as carnivores. Males are eaten by females, and competitive males are eaten by one another.
  • After a severe rain, spiders will become more active since their ground nests may be swept away, and they will be looking for new shelter (in your home!).
  • Spiders are classified as either webbing or crawling. Each variety has its own set of behaviors and strategies for hunting and/or trapping prey.

Typical Spider Species on the Sunshine Coast and Hinterland

There are so many different spider species that listing them all would be useless. Human-toxic spiders, on the other hand, may be of greater concern. Here are a few examples:

Funnel Web Spider

This black spider has delicate reddish hairs and is around 30mm long. They prefer to reside in silk funnel webs that are typically found on or in the ground. The bite of this spider is harmful to humans and it is quite aggressive. If you are bitten, you may experience the following symptoms, which require medical attention: pain and numbness at the bite site, nausea and vomiting, profuse sweating and collapse, excess salivation, difficulty breathing, cramps and pain in the lower abdomen, confusion, twitching of facial muscles, and finally coma.

Brown Trapdoor Spider

This spider is not as aggressive as the funnel web spider, and it is also not poisonous to humans. Its bite, on the other hand, is exceedingly unpleasant. They reside on or in the ground, and their web is built using leaf litter as a trap door.

Wolf  Spider

This spider has a Union Jack pattern on its abdomen and is mottled grey and brown. Some may give humans a toxic bite that is uncomfortable for a short length of time.

Redback Spider

The male spider is only 3mm long, whereas the female spider is roughly 12mm long. This spider is black with a red stripe on the dorsal side in some cases. The bite of this spider is extremely poisonous to humans, but only the females bite. Stinging at the bite site (even if no bite marks are visible), swelling and paleness at the bite site, stiffness around the biting region, pain and difficulty to move the limb at the bitten site, weakness, sweating, nausea, and vomiting are all possible symptoms.

Black House Spider

The female spider is 18mm long and dark brown to black in color. She makes webs in sheds, toilets, and around windows and gutters. A bite from this spider is toxic and causes pain, nausea, and perspiration, despite the fact that she is not aggressive.

Whitetail Spider

The thorax of this spider is around 18mm long. It has a white mark on the end of its abdomen that ranges from grey to black. It isn’t aggressive and is frequently encountered in restrooms. A bite from this spider causes a painful blister that kills the surrounding tissue over time, necessitating hospitalization.


Humans are not known to be poisoned by orb weaving spiders like the Garden Orb-weaving, St Andrews Cross, Leaf-curling, or Golden-orb. They aren’t particularly aggressive and are more likely to avoid humans.

How To Control Spiders In Your Home

  • Regularly mow your lawn and keep your gardens from becoming overgrown. Long grass provides additional cover for inspects, including spiders!
  • Remove spider webs with a broom or a high-powered hose as soon as you notice them. Check your clotheslines, bin storage area (check the handles! ), eaves, and pergolas for any potential hazards.
  • You’ll attract fewer bugs in general if you keep your home clean and tidy, which means there will be less prey for spiders to feed on. Fly screens can also be installed in your home to prevent spiders from being drawn to flies that end up inside.
  • Wear gloves when gardening and handling soil and garbage to protect yourself from poisonous bites.

Please keep in mind that, no matter how cautious you are, you cannot control nature! Spiders will never be entirely eradicated from outdoor settings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our pest control services are safe for you, your family and your pets. All of our technicians are trained and licensed pest control technicians, who only use the best and safest products that have been approved by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority.

During our services, we use only the safest techniques and practices to ensure the safety of your loved ones. To do this, the following precautions are to be observed:

  • If you or a family member is particularly sensitive or suffers from allergic reactions, we recommend that person remains out of the home until the product has dried.
  • Protect or remove any pets from the treatment area until the product has dried.
  • Avoid contact with the treated surfaces until the product has dried.
  • Cover all food items and utensils prior to treatment.

You get what you pay for. Most budget providers work on volume, and so they have to complete their jobs quickly, and usually with a ‘one-product-fits-all’ approach. The end result may not be tailored to your home and situation, leaving you with less effective treatment that won’t last all year.

Here at Benchmark Pest Solutions, we pride ourselves on high quality thorough work, and providing an outstanding customer experience. We know how important it is to feel safe, comfortable and relaxed in your own home. To ensure this, we spend more time on your property treating more areas, and use a greater number of products to create a more effective and longer lasting treatment.

We’ve designed our own tailorable methods of treatment that give our customers the most effective service possible. In each treatment we use a number of different specialised products that work together to create a compounding effect that provides a high quality and longer lasting treatment. Because we are more detailed, thorough, and use a combination of premium products, we can confidently offer our 12 month pest free guarantee.

Short answer: The products we use are safe for you and your little one.

Long answer: How do we know they are safe? Before a product can be sold as a pesticide in Australia, it first must be approved by the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority. If, for example, a product was harmful to pregnant women and still was approved for use as a pesticide and a pest control company chose to use it (we would not); a warning would have to be printed on the label and on the product’s Safety Data Sheet.

Therefore, we know that our products are safe for pregnant women because there are no warnings on the labels or the safety data sheets of any of our products. We are also in constant contact with our chemical supplier, who would advise us immediately if anything were to change.

If you still are not convinced, we won’t be offended if you prefer to leave the premises while we conduct the service at your home. What matters most to us is that you feel comfortable during an exciting time of your life.

Unless you are particularly sensitive or suffer from allergic reactions, there is no need for you to leave your home during our pest treatment. However, if you would like to leave, that is absolutely fine too.

Ideally, you would be home to meet our pest technician and advise of any problem areas or concerns. After that, it’s really a personal choice if you want to stay or leave.

Yes, we do! Any person with a Queensland Seniors Card will receive a 20% discount on all services that exceed our minimum call out fee, with the exception of Termite Prevention; both physical and chemical barriers. We will also recognise Seniors Cards from other Australian States.